Spring/Summer 2006
Thepast few months have been busy ones. As we were preparing to launch the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, Canadians elected a new government and cheered our Olympic ath- letes to our nation’s best winter finish ever. And while the weather was not at its finest here in Ot- tawa, many people joined us on February 16, 2006 to officially open our doors. My thanks go out to the many people who attended or sent their best wishes to us.
As spring shakes off the winter chill and gen- erates new life, it seems timely, for more than just seasonal reasons, to choose research focusing on life for this, the second issue of the IMFC Review.
Dr. Ian Dowbiggin has written an in-depth piece tracing the history of euthanasia. As the question of euthanasia will reappear on the national radar screen in the not too distant future, there is a need to understand its roots and its implications for Canadian social policy. In the words of philosopher George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Sue Martinuk challenges us with her poignant take on human genetics. Medical technology continues to reach unforeseen breakthroughs and yet we must ask ourselves if we are ready to fully comprehend and answer the ques- tions that go hand-in-hand with these quantum leaps.
Our third feature article, written by Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, peers into the fast changing world of stem cell research. As this research stretches our knowl- edge, it also raises significant questions that our society and decision makers need to fully debate and resolve.
Also inside our Spring/Summer IMFC Review is research, books and articles that will challenge you and broaden your thinking.
The IMFC Review brings the latest in research from within Canada and around the world and places it in the hands of our decision makers – to help them engage and understand the short- and long-term consequences of the issues currently facing Canadian families.
For regular updates, visit imfcanada.org and sign up for our e-newsletter. Also, we welcome your feedback. The IMFC Review will only be better with your input.
Dave Quist
Executive Director, IMFC