Child care and the federal government

Parents reiterate they want to care for their kids. So why are Canada’s child care experts pushing for the opposite?

March 12, 2008 | by Andrea Mrozek , Manager of Research and Communications, Institute of Marriage and Family Canada
PDF:  Child care and the federal government


  1. McCain, M.N., Mustard, J.F. & Shanker, S. Society for Research in Child Development (March 2007). Early Years Study 2: Putting Science into Action. Toronto: Council for Early Child Development. Retrieved from$file/Early_Years_2_rev.pdf
  2. The Senate Committee proceedings can be found online at
    All subsequent citations from Mustard and McCain are found in this testimony.
  3. CTV News Staff. (December 11, 2005). Senior Grit staffer apologizes for 'beer' gaffe. Retreived online at
  4. GPC Research. Canadian attitudes on the family; Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. (April 1, 2006), Canadians Make Choices on Childcare. Canadian Family Views 1, 3. Retrieved from
    Ipsos Reid, Focus Groups on Issues Surrounding Child Care. (May 23, 2006) Final Report V9863-060001/001/CY, submitted to Human Resources and Social Development, May 23, 2006. “...It does not seem that people outside the major urban centers are looking for a National Day Care system...” Retrieved online at
    Bibby, R. (February 10, 2005). Press Release: Child Care Aspirations. University of Lethbridge. Retrieved from
    Compas, Inc. (2003, May). Ontario provincial election report for Global TV, National Post, Ottawa Citizen and Windsor Star.
    Michalski, J.H. (1999). Values and preferences for the “best policy mix” for Canadian children. Ottawa Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc.
  5. There is evidence of benefits from centre-based child care for disadvantaged children. For the IMFC position in full see
  6. What’s at the heart of the Canadian family? (September 2007). Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. Retrieved online at