TD Bank on early learning

Do they believe their own recommendations?

December 6, 2012 | by Andrea Mrozek
PDF:  TD Bank on early learning


  1. Alexander, C. and Ignjatovic, D. (2012, November 27). Early childhood education has widespread and long lasting benefits. TD Economics Special Report. Retrieved from
  2. The  Early Years series are political/ideological reports. See here for a comparison between a longitudinal study of data versus Early Years Study 2. Mrozek, A. and Fraher, K. (2007, April 11). The raging daycare debates. Ottawa: Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. Retrieved from
  3. Alexander, C. and Ignjatovic, D. (2012, November 27). Early childhood education has widespread and long lasting benefits.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Belsky, J. et al. (March/April 2007). Are There Long-Term Effects of Early Child Care? Child Development, 17(2), p. 682.
    Loeb, S., Bridges, M., Bassok, D., Fuller, B. & Rumberger, R.W. (February 1, 2007). How much is too much? The influence of preschool cneters on children’s social and cognitive development. Economics of Education Review 26(1), p. 64.
  6. Kids First Parent Association of Canada. (2010, March). Submission to the social policy Committee of the Ontario government regarding Bill 242, pp. 17-18. Retrieved from
    Mrozek, A. (2008, January 10). Study the real costs of all-day kindergarten. Toronto Sun. Retrieved from “The Perry Preschool project began in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1962. It was a uniquely-crafted, small-scale program for black children living in poverty, designed to raise the children's IQs. Children were in half-a-day of care, and the program included an hour-and-a-half per week of parent education in the home. The child-staff ratio was less than six-to-one, and the cost estimates in 2000 dollars were about $15,000 US, per student.”
  7. Mrozek, A. (2009, November). The cost of a free lunch. Ottawa: Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, p. 10. Retrieved from
  8. On May 18, 2012, the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada interviewed Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Canadian developmental psychologist and author of Hold on to your kids: Why parents need to matter more than peers. (Vintage Canada, 2005). The article resulting from the interview is Nurturing children: Why “early learning” doesn’t help. Retrieved from
  9. Ibid.