When Justin Trudeau declared this month that Liberal candidates would be required to be ‘‘openly pro-choice,’’ abortion foe Andrea Mrozek was thrilled.
The founder of the ProLife ProWoman blog also privately cheered when Niki Ashton, the NDPs Status of Women critic, put forth a motion asking Parliament to affirm “a woman’s right to choose abortion.’’
Although both Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Ashton were attempting to shut down any debate on abortion, to Ms. Mrozek they have had the opposite effect.
For anti-abortion activists such as Ms. Mrozek, this month has been prime time: Media attention squared on a massive march on Parliament Hill, a simmering debate in the Maritimes around access to abortion, and particularly Mr. Trudeau’s edict and the resulting backlash.
“I’m a fan of the debate, I’m a fan of the discussion,” said Ms. Mrozek. “The most interesting part is that the pro-lifers didn’t bring it up this time.”
Read the full article online here: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/05/16/new-canadian-debate-on-abortion-is-about-if-its-time-to-have-a-real-debate-about-abortion/